Can Landlords Inspect Rental Properties?

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It is vital to inspect your rental property at both the beginning and end each tenancy. This will allow both you and the renters to inspect the property thoroughly and assess its condition.

It can be difficult because each property is different and has many hidden areas that landlords may not have noticed during walkthrough inspections.

Most landlords will inspect their rental property twice before the tenant moves in: one at the beginning and another at the end. These inspections are used to check the property’s condition and to identify if any repairs or cleaning should be done.

In provinces such as Alberta and B.C., these inspections are required. They also have additional restrictions regarding when and how landlords can conduct walk-throughs. Quebec and other provinces have more specific rules. We recommend you do both a move-in and move-out inspection.

Regular inspections may be requested by landlords to ensure everything runs smoothly. Most provinces allow landlords the right to inspect the unit once per month, provided that notice is given to tenants. In general, landlords must give notice to tenants 24 hours in advance of any inspection.


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