“Nice” People Can Still Be Bad Tenants

Nice People can be Bad Tenants

Landlords beware: the “nice” tenants might not be the best tenants. It’s easy to fall for a charming applicant who appears to have it all together, but in reality, they may not be the responsible, reliable tenant that you need.

Every applicant who applies to rent is selling themselves in some way. Some are better at it than others, and bad tenants are often experts at it. They know how to act like the “good guy” that you want to do business with, even if they have a poor rental history.

It’s natural to want to rent to people we like. We want tenants who take pride in their homes, are responsible and pleasant neighbors, and pay rent on time. These are the qualities we should be looking for, not just a friendly demeanor. Renting is a business decision, and it’s important to keep that in mind.

On the other hand, we also don’t want to rent to jerks, even if they are good tenants. A bad attitude can make the business relationship unpleasant and stressful, even if they are responsible renters.

Bad tenants know how to get landlords to rent to them, even with a poor rental history. They may try to make you feel sorry for them or find a landlord who is in a hurry to fill a vacancy. However, if you don’t like the applicant, it’s unlikely that you’ll go along with excuses or overlook red flags.

Good tenants are those who fill out the application completely, have a good rental history, sufficient and verifiable income, and the rent and deposit up front. They may not be the most charming or likable, but they will be the most reliable and responsible.

In the end, it’s important to remember that renting is a business decision, not a personal one. While it’s nice to have a good relationship with your tenants, it’s more important to have a reliable and responsible tenant who will pay rent on time and take care of the property. Don’t fall for the “nice” tenant who may end up causing you headaches and lost rent in the long run.


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