How To Be A Better Property Manager

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Everyone will tell you that time management is key to being a boss or working remotely. You are the property manager of your own success. You’re likely to be like us and constantly looking for that extra edge.

While there are many excellent property managers, there are a few things they share in common. Here are some tips that will help property managers stay ahead of the curve. If you aren’t on the list, it’s possible.

Create an Action Plan Every Day

It is a great way to organize your life and stay on top. It doesn’t matter how long your to-do list is, it’s important to break it down daily so that you can concentrate on the tasks that can be completed each day. You can plan everything the night before or in your morning. It doesn’t matter when you wake up, how you call tenants, or even what your lunch break and gym time will be. This will help to get you in the right mindset each day.

You can group similar tasks together, and then stick to one at the time

Think about how you can work together to plan your day’s tasks. It will make you more productive whether you do the same task together or separately. For example, email. You don’t have to respond to every email that comes in. Instead, plan your time so you only respond to a handful of messages per day. It will consume most of your day to answer an email that isn’t urgent.

It will be more efficient and it will make it easier for you to concentrate on each task individually.


No matter how many properties you manage, communication is vital. People want to be heard and cared for. Property Many managers do not return phone calls. Communication is essential. You can build trust in both directions. Trust is the cornerstone of great relationships. If you want your tenants to trust you, give them a reason to be loyal.

Declutter with Technology

Pendo believes strongly in this principle. Because it is crucial to have a clear head, your workspace must be clean. It is much easier to be productive when you have a place you love than it does when you don’t. When it comes to property transactions, it is easy to get lost in the paperwork. The technology you have at your disposal can help in these cases. Digitize your paperwork. This will save you time and make it easier to find the information you need when you need it.


It is essential to stay current with all laws and regulations as a landlord or property manager. Both tenants and employees have faith that you can solve any new problems. The websites of your state and national real estate associations will provide the most up-to-date information. This isn’t all. Although it may seem obvious, you should be aware of the details of your property. What is the ideal summer temperature? How about the hip-check to wash laundry to avoid coins getting stuck? You will make your tenants and employees more successful if they have a better understanding.


This is a simple one, and it’s our favorite. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming. The management of rental properties can be extremely stressful. We get it. We’re here to make you smile. Do not let the small or big things get you down. Take a moment to refocus and then take a step back. Enjoy the unexpected opportunities that this job presents. You’ll do better tomorrow.


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