Preparing Your Home For Winter: A Checklist For New Landlords

brown house covered with snow near trees during daytime

Winterizing a rental property involves many tasks. The tasks involved in winterizing a rental property can vary depending upon the type of property.

Fall is a good time to get some work done before the temperatures drop. You can also tackle winter tasks, such as attic insulation top-up. Some tasks only need your attention once, while others require you to be there all winter.

Fall tasks

Turn off exterior faucets Turn off exterior faucets. Drain all excess water from your pipes. This will prevent your pipes from freezing and causing damage. The landlord will perform this task.

Examine the roof for damaged shingles Inspect the roof for damaged or missing shingles. A An intact roof will protect against water damage from melting snow. This responsibility falls on the landlord.

Clean gutters, eavestroughs. To allow water to flow freely, and not accumulate on the ground, clear out gutters and eavestroughs of leaves, twigs and other debris. This prevents moisture and ice from building up on the roof. This is the responsibility of the landlord.

Disconnect your gardenhose Drain any excess water from your garden hoses, and then disconnect them. Dry them. This prevents water from getting trapped in the fittings or spigots, which could lead to flooding. The landlord typically handles this task.

Empty flower pots – Get rid of soil and water. Keep them in a dry and cool area such as a shed. If they are exposed to cold temperatures, pots can crack or become brittle, especially if any water remains. Both the tenant and landlord can perform this task.

Your air conditioner unit’s power supply should be turned off It is important that you disconnect power from the unit if it becomes active during hot days. The water freezing can cause internal damage. The landlord will perform this task.

Clean the chimney If needed, inspect the chimney for obstructions and take them out. Over time, creosote (a mixture of soot, tar and other substances) can build up. This can cause smoke to escape from the chimney, possibly starting a fire. This is the responsibility of the landlord.

You can seal or stain a porch or wooden deck. Check the porch or wooden deck to see if there are any damaged areas. Then, use a stain/sealer for them to be repaired. Combining sealing with staining can protect your home from water damage and color fade. The landlord performs this task.

Seal gaps and cracks around windows and doors Caulking or weather stripping can be used to fill in cracks and crevices around doors, windows, and other areas. This will keep your home warm and cold air out. The landlord performs this task.

Use a plastic sheet to cover shrubs and bushes. To cover shrubs and bushes, you can use burlap, canvas, or bedsheets. This prevents freezing moisture damage. The landlord performs this task, although tenants can help if needed.

Winter tasks

Replace furnace filter – Each month, check the furnace filter. If necessary, replace it. This will ensure your furnace runs smoothly and keep your home free of dirt and dust. The landlord will perform this task.

To be tested for smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms Make sure smoke alarms as well as carbon monoxide alarms function properly. If batteries are damaged, replace them. Failure to function properly can present a serious safety threat as alarms could not alert occupants in the event of a fire or carbon monoxide hazard. Both the landlord and tenant can perform this task.

Inspect the HVAC system and service it. It is important to maintain your HVAC unit in top condition by performing regular maintenance. This can result in high energy bills, costly repairs, decreased air quality, uneven distributions of warm and cold air throughout your home, and increased costs. This is done by the landlord.

Clean the attic vent Clean out all debris and dust from attic vents. This will allow moisture to escape from the attic without becoming trapped. It creates an ideal environment for mould and mildew growth. It is the landlord’s job to do this.

Salt or sand walkways and stairways, driveways Salting walkways and driveways with sand regularly will reduce the chance of falling injuries. Unless the property is an apartment/condo, it is usually done by the tenant. If the property is an apartment/condo, the tenant will perform this task.

Clear snow off driveways and walkways To prevent slips, it is essential to clear snow from walkways and driveways. This helps reduce snow melt into the foundation which can result in costly damage. This task is typically performed by the tenant unless the property has an apartment/condo. In that case, the property manager will be responsible.

Insulate your attic You can add insulation to your attic if necessary. Insulation in the attic is important as it can allow heat to escape and cause ice dams. This can result in higher energy bills as well as mould growth. This is done by the landlord.

The thermostat can adjust winter temperatures Set your thermostat to winter temperatures if it is programmeable. This will allow you to save money on heating because your home isn’t too hot or cold. Tenant usually takes care of this task.

You should check the temperature of your hot water tank. Make sure the tank’s thermostat is set to the right temperature. It should be between 55 and 60 degrees. The household won’t be able to access hot water if the temperature drops below 54 degrees. The landlord or tenant may perform this task.

Last Thoughts

It is crucial to prepare your rental property in winter for the cold and snowfalls.

As a landlord, it is your responsibility to winterize your property. Some tasks may require the assistance of experts. Regardless of what you do, you will ultimately be responsible for the results.

Your tenant can delegate simple tasks like changing the batteries on your smoke alarm or shoveling snow. Discuss the task with your tenant in order to ensure they feel comfortable taking on the responsibility. Tenants shouldn’t be assigned complex maintenance tasks. You could be held responsible if anything goes wrong.

To determine whether you or your tenant are responsible, check the local legislation. Property maintenance. It is prudent to assume that all ambiguities are your responsibility.

Winter preparations can ensure that your rental property remains in good condition for many years. It is not certain that you will receive steady rent income each month. Your Tenant defaults may cause a loss of job or neglect to the bottom line.


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